
A z-plugin (i.e. a plugin for the Zplugin – more information) that allows Zplugin to clone additional submodules when installing a plugin or snippet. The submodules are then automatically updated on the zplugin update … command.

This z-plugin adds submods'' ice to Zplugin which has the following syntax:

submods'{user}/{plugin} -> {output directory}; …'

An example command utilizing the z-plugin and its ice:

# Load zsh-autosuggestions plugin via Prezto module: autosuggestions
zplugin ice svn submods'zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions -> external'
zplugin snippet PZT::modules/autosuggestions



Simply load as a plugin. The following command will install the z-plugin within Zplugin:

zplugin light zdharma/z-p-submods

After executing this command you can then use the submods'' ice. The command should be placed in ~/.zshrc.