
What Are They?#

They are Zplugin extensions. Note the difference in the name from the Zplugin – the dash and the plural form.

What Can They Do?#

  1. Add a new Zplugin subcommand (i.e. the command that’s placed after the function zplugin … when calling Zplugin).

  2. Add new ice-modifiers.

  3. Register four type of hooks:

    1. atclone hook – run after cloning any plugin or downloading any snippet.

    2. atpull hook – run after pulling new commits (i.e. updating) for any plugin / snippet.

    3. atinit hook – run before loading any plugin / snippet, after it has been set-up (i.e. downloaded).

    4. atload hook – run after loading any plugin / snippet.

  4. Register hooks for generating help text, shown by the zplugin help subcommand.

How To Code Them?#

Below is an example body of an atclone hook (taken from zdharma/z-p-submods z-plugin). It shows how to:

  1. Obtain the arguments passed to the hook.

  2. Use an ice modifier.

  3. It also shows an useful snippet that will trim the whitespace in array elements.

  4. Utilize the last hook argument – the plugin’s/snippet’s containing directory.

emulate -L zsh -o extendedglob -o warncreateglobal -o typesetsilent

[[ -z "${ZPLG_ICE[submods]}" ]] && return 0

# (1)
[[ "$1" = plugin ]] && \
    local type="$1" user="$2" plugin="$3" id_as="$4" dir="$5" || \
    local type="$1" url="$2" id_as="$3" dir="$4" # type: snippet

local -a mods parts
local mod

# (2)
mods=( ${(@s.;.)ZPLG_ICE[submods]} )
for mod in "${mods[@]}"; do
    parts=( "${(@s:->:)mod}" )
    # (3) Remove only leading and trailing whitespace
    parts=( "${parts[@]//((#s)[[:space:]]##|[[:space:]]##(#e))/}" )

    print "\nCloning submodule: ${parts[1]} to dir: ${parts[2]}"
    # (4) – the: -C "$dir"
    command git -C "$dir" clone --progress "${parts[1]}" "${parts[2]}"

The recommended method of creating a hook is to place its body into a file that starts with a colon, and also a zp- prefix, e.g. :zp-myproject-atclone-hook and then to mark it for autoloading via autoload -Uz :zp-myproject-atclone-hook. Then register the hook (presumably in the myproject.plugin.zsh file) with the API call: @zplg-register-z-plugin:

@zplg-register-z-plugin "myproject" hook:atclone \
    :zp-myproject-atclone-handler \
    :zp-myproject-atclone-help-handler \
    "submods''" # register a new ice-mod: submods''

The general syntax of the API call is:

@zplg-register-z-plugin {project-name} \
    {hook:<hook-type>|subcommand:<new-subcommand-name>} \
    {name-of-the-handler-function} \
    {name-of-the-HELP-handler-function} \

The last argument, i.e. the |-separated ice-list, is optional. That’s all! After this loading the plugin myproject will set up the new ice-mod submods that will have syntax submods'{user}/{plugin} –> {output-dir}; …' and will clone submodules when installing the original plugin or snippet! Example real-world use of the ice-mod:

# Load the `zsh-autosuggestions' plugin via Prezto module: `autosuggestions'
zplugin ice svn submods'zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions -> external'
zplugin snippet PZT::modules/autosuggestions

Checkout the project which fully implements this idea, zdharma/z-p-submods. It e.g. also implements the atpull hook, i.e. supports automatic update of the submodules. The z-p-* prefix is recommended for projects that are being z-plugins.


There are 2 or 3 subtypes for each of the hook:

  1. atinit or !atinit – the ! version is ran before the atinit ice-mod (i.e. before zplugin ice atinit'echo this!'; …), while the normal version runs after it.

  2. atload or !atload – analogous to the atinit case: the ! version runs before the atload ice-mod (while the normal version runs after it).

  3. atclone or !atclone – analogous to the atinit and atload cases.

  4. atpull, !atpull or %atpull – the first two are being ran only when there are new commits to be downloaded during the update. The % version is being always run, regardless if the update will pull any actual commits or not, and it is being ran after the atpull ice-mod.